Opening 24 Washington Avenue!

This site has been a long time coming.
It’s the product of personal evolution and an undying quest for understanding.

As should be evidence by too much wording on my “about” page, I have something of a history of sewing – going back just about as early as I can remember.
But it was always rushed.
In a fast world fueled by instant gratification, even my sewing projects were all about getting it done as quickly as possible.
Truthfully, that’s been a common thread of my entire life.
School, music, cooking, cleaning … yes, I do it all “the hard, old-fashioned way” – from scratch, by hand, etc., but I still have always sought to do it as speedily as possible.
In itself, I suppose that it’s not such a bad thing – efficiency is certainly to be commended – but when the price paid is a finished product that is less than could have been achieved through slightly more precision afforded by slightly more time-taken, the trade-off must be questioned.